Lifesharing through Royer-Greaves Services
Open homes, shared lives, full hearts.
Lifesharing is a residential option that places adults with special needs in the homes of other community adults and families who share their lives with them. This mutually beneficial living arrangement creates a family-like bond for both the providing household and the participant, allows more independence and continuity for the Lifesharing person, and is a rewarding and meaningful experience for the Lifesharing provider household.
Royer-Greaves Services carefully evaluates the needs, preferences, and lifestyles of Lifesharing adults and providers, enabling us to carefully match the right person with special needs with the household.
Birth families and/or other advocates for the Lifesharing adult are encouraged to actively participate in the matching process and to continue to have a close relationship with adults after they move to a Lifesharing home. And, thanks to a 2017 change in state law, birth families can now become Lifeshare families, and enjoy the benefits of doing so.
Please click the links below to learn more.
Learn about Lifesharing with our new video!
Interested in Becoming a Lifesharing Household?
For more information, contact our Director of Lifesharing at Royer-Greaves Services at 610-644-1810.